Track your Etsy cha-chings with this handy-dandy map of the USA coloring page! All 50 states & the District of Columbia are represented in this doodle-licious printable coloring page design.
Print a second copy for your cross-country road trip and color along your journey. But, um, not while you drive, mkay?
Bonus! Can't remember where certain states are located? Pretend you're coloring for the fun of it while you figure out where Illinois is! (Hint: not east of Michigan where someone-who-shall-remain-nameless thought it was. It's not like I--I mean, she--was in her 20s and should have known better. Or, well, um...)
Please note that this is a DIGITAL DOWNLOAD only; no physical copy will be sent to you. Print as many copies as you'd like, for personal use only. Adobe Acrobat Reader--or an equivalent--is required to open the pdf file.