Llama Llama Come to Mama!
Imagine the squeal of delight when she opens these adorable little fluffballs! Whether you're sending your favorite knitter a snail mail surprise, or gifting her a full set of cards for her own enjoyment, you'll rock the gift-giving knitting Olympics. (That's totally a real-life thing. That I just made up.)
Put your own flair on these adorable llama coloring note cards or leave the designs blank and let your fiber friend experience the magic of adult coloring.
No animals were injured in the making of these cards; if they had been real llamas, however, they would have been snuggled to within an inch of their lives.
These folded note cards & envelopes are size A2 (4.25" x 5.5"), slightly off-white, textured, and blank inside for your personal messages of llove and cheer.
Get it? Llove?
Corny commentary not included.
Prefer a custom version of these adorable note cards? Click on over to this listing: https://www.craftandcolor.co/products/personalized-llama-coloring-notecards.
Impatient? Get the instant download here: https://www.craftandcolor.co/products/llama-alpaca-coloring-note-cards-instant-download.