10 Things You Know To Be True if You’re a Hoo

Look, we get it. Everyone feels their college was the best – more special, more unique, more amazing than any other college.  (But, Hoo really IS the best???)

UVA Alderman Library

But we know the truth. There’s one school that stands out above the rest.  (Hoo?)

There is one school that combines a deep love for history, an appreciation for nature, a foodie’s paradise, a rigorous academic environment, a thriving sports culture, AND your average college frat party experience.

UVA rotunda

Which school is it?

Well, if you’re a Hoo-4-life you already know which school we’re talking about, the incomparable University of Virginia.

UVA serpentine wall

What makes UVA so exceptional? Well, quite a few things, as it turns out.

UVA Beta Bridge

          1. UVA has some of the most beautiful Grounds.

            Ok, first of all, it’s not “campus”, they are “grounds”, but whatever you call them, UVA has one of the most beautiful settings to be found anywhere. Seriously, how can you argue with The Lawn, the sprawling gardens, the beautiful domes. It’s just stunning. Plus UNESCO has designated it as a World Heritage site! It’s not hard to argue that it’s one of the most beautiful college campuses when UVA is on the same list as places like Florence and the Grand Canyon.
          2. You’re a First Year not a Freshman.

            Ugh, freshman is jut so uncultured. At UVA you’re not a freshman you’re a First Year, which sounds far more important and regal. No Hoo would deign to be referred to as a freshman – it’s very beneath us.
          3. Your school was founded by one of our nation’s most important historical figures.

            Thomas Jefferson was the original Hoo. That’s hard core. How many others can say their school was founded by one of the Founding Fathers of our nation? I mean there’s James Madison, but did he write the Declaration of Independence? No.
          4. The professors at UVA are next-level brilliant.

            How often do you hear friends who attended other universities complain about their professors? All. The. Time. How often do you hear people who attended UVA complain about their professors? Rarely. Because the professors at UVA are next-level brilliant. Attending a school where the administration clearly dedicates tons of time, effort, and resources to hiring amazing professors makes the high tuition worth it (at least, most of the time).
          5. It’s hard to choose your favorite alumnus.

            It will take quite some time to get through the Wikipedia list of famous UVA alum. From economists to celebrities, generals to Supreme Court justices, UVA has helped to mold some of the brightest minds of many generations. (Tina Fey anyone?)
          6. You have a closet full of orange.

            Look we get that it’s not a color that everyone can pull off, but when you’re a Hoo … hoo-cares? You’re going to rock that orange no matter what. Orange shirt, orange pants, orange polo, orange sweater, orange shoes, you’ve got it all.
          7. Bodo’s Bagels are better than any bagels in NYC hands down.

            Talk to me about how NYC bagels are better than Bodo’s and we’re either walking away or dragging you straight to Bodo’s so you can understand what all the fuss is about. NYC bagels are a respectable second-best, but they have nothing on the freshmade Bodo’s bagels.
          8. Nature is your jam, y’all.

            Going to school in the middle of one of the most beautiful states in the union will definitely give you a serious appreciation for how beautiful and impressive nature is. From the rolling green vineyards, to the seemingly unending beauty of the Shenandoah mountains, you’re surrounded by nature at UVA. It makes for a great little getaway from studying.
          9. You’re so over hearing about VA Tech’s football program.

            Listen, they may occasionally, very occasionally beat us in football, but there is nothing else in which they can compete with UVA. So you can keep your so-called superior football program Tech. We’ll take our bagels, and nature, and Founding Father, and academic achievements, thank you very much.
          10. You have a favorite A Capella group.

            Oh, your school didn’t treat A Capella like a competitive sport? Well, I feel sorry for you. If you went to UVA you know, A Capella aca-matters, and you’ll cheer for your favorite aca-group through it all.


UVA Corinthian column

So, how’d we do?  What’s YOUR favorite thing about being a Hoo?  Have you seen our University of Virginia Coloring Book, or any of our UVA printable coloring pages?  Let us know (by emailFacebook,TwitterInstagram or just comment below) and we’ll share it with our followers!

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